
Reducing Emissions in Our Operations

HRM leads the oil and gas industry in our commitment to protecting the air, water and land that surrounds our operations. We have consistently exceeded regulatory requirements and employed state-of-the-art practices to ensure our environmental stewardship, including:

Flowline Inspection

In our Wyoming assets, flowlines were tested regularly. Pressure tests were conducted on every flowline to evaluate their integrity and identify potential weaknesses before turning on our wells. While there are no regulatory requirements for this testing, it is another example of how we are setting a new standard for industry operations.

Leak Detection & Repair

Our team of trained technicians implemented regular leak detection and repair (LDAR) audits to monitor and inspect our production facilities for emission leaks. Thermal imaging technology locates emission leaks so they can be repaired quickly. LDAR audits increase the efficiency of our operations and protect workers, operators, and the surrounding community

Leveraging Renewable Energy

Solar power has had a long-standing and important role in the oil and gas industry, providing autonomous, on-site electricity at remote areas where most operations are located. The wide variety of energy needs involved in oil and gas operations, including supervisory control, data acquisition reporting, and telemetry, makes solar energy a cost effective and environmentally sound way HRM has power to production sites.

Plug, Remove & Restore

We strive to restore all  lands to their original condition. Once an oil and gas property reaches the end of its productive life, HRM has worked closely with  regulatory agencies to properly set physical barriers and insert cement plugs in the wellbore so that the well can be welded shut at the surface with no long term concerns. All surface equipment is then dismantled and removed. The entire area is reworked with top soil and reseeded with natural grasses as determined by the proper regulatory authority. All work is completed under the close eye of state or federal inspectors and can take years to be given final authorization for release. 

Reclaiming & Restoring the Land

HRM believes that stewarding our environment is our most important legacy and we strive to restore our production sites to a state even better than we found them. Through a collaborative approach with regulators and landowners, we are committed to exceeding reclamation requirements.

HRM is built on transparency and trust. We create value for our stakeholders through our commitment to sustainability and collaborative business practices.

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